adesso claim

Key Facts

Facts about adesso Group

Turnover 2024 1.3 billion euros

More than 10300 employees

Return on Equity 14.9 % 5Y average

A Company with Excellent Prospects

With over 10,100 employees and annual sales of over EUR 1.1 billion in 2023, adesso Group is one of Germany's largest IT service providers with excellent growth prospects. At its own locations in Germany, others in Europe and the first locations in Asia, as well as at numerous local customers, adesso ensures the optimisation of core business processes through consulting and software development and the reduction of operating costs.

By effectively employing information technology, these processes which are essential for success become more flexible and productive. adesso also offers ready-to-use software products for standard applications. The development of an own, industry-specific product-portfolio opens up additional growth and earnings opportunities and is another key element of the adesso strategy.

With a proven growth strategy and expanding business in its established core industries adesso is rapidly becoming a leading IT consulting company in Central Europe.

All of these factors make adesso an attractive investment. Participate in our future development. We are looking forward to the future.

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